Friday, 10 October 2014

Character Project: Initial Research

Project Cards: Cleaning, Food & Flight
For the character project I have been dealt the CLEANING card, the FOOD card and the FLIGHT card. I have instinctively placed them to correspond with a logical purpose in the game, so ultimately I have decided on food-based characters.

Influence Map: Food
I wanted my research to reflect the creative uses of food, so I looked into certain building mechanics such as chocolate bricks and sandwich stacking. I toyed with the idea of having culture-based levels which take the player around the world picking up traditional foods to form a squad that will help each other eliminate obstacles. I will continue to upload influence maps based on the cleaning and flight cards to further my ideas.
Initial Doodles
Some very basic character doodles seen here show the team-like determination and playfulness that would be found amongst app games such as Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies. At this point I feel that the game design should reflect the style of modern apps to give it a fun yet professional look.

App Games: Colour Palettes
Having decided on a basic starting point, I looked into the stages that bring doodles to the final outcome.

App Games: Character Design
After studying the fundamental illustration processes and techniques, I quickly drew out a basic character to test the skills I had learnt. At this point I am contemplating the idea of using a fast-food kitchen as the environment, through which food characters must reach the end of the level using their individual skills. At the end of each level is a Happy Meal plane-part and a new food character, all of which must be collected to build the plane at the end and escape the kitchen.

Just a work-in-progress for now!

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